
September 20, 2023

How well do men create female characters?

"I am accustoming myself to the idea of regarding every sexual act as a process in which four persons are involved. We shall have a lot to discuss about that." Sigmund Freud


The above quotation is an epigraph for a novel written by a man and named after its leading female character. [ Justine ]


Could Freud be wrong? Might every sexual act be a process in which eight persons are involved?

September 13, 2023

Can Darwinism explain women?

"Women...have a purpose which is not their own purpose, but that of the whole universe, a man is nothing to them but the instrument of that purpose." George Bernard Shaw


In my experience, it is hard to find a book on evolution that isn't quick to establish its bona fides by asserting the dominant scientific consensus, namely, that evolution has no purpose. Welcome aboard, GBS.


Nunc verum inter saxum et locum durum summus. [ Now we are truly between a rock and a hard place. ]

September 6, 2023

Stacks and stacks?

"There are stacks and stacks of 'How to Meet and Marry Mr. Right', the terrible book Donna told me about, terrible because it works. I take my copy to the counter as furtively as I would a girdle or a vibrator." Melissa Bank


It seems credible that there would be a plethora of books for women on the subject of how to secure a mate. But what about books for men offering advice on how to secure a wife?


[ After research on the internet ] Okay, I'm schooled. Such books do exist, though I never met a man who volunteered that he had read one, nor have I ever seen one for sale on a bookstore shelf.

August 30, 2023

A perfect man?

"A man, should he not know everything, excel in manifold activities, initiate you into the energies of passion, the refinements of life, all mysteries?" Gustav Flaubert


"Husbands should be at least six feet two inches tall...thirty-five years old forever...have thick dark Izod shirts and a pilot's license. They should provide emotional bedrock...always." Suzanne Finnamore


The first quotation is broadly cast, interrogative, invites dialogue; the second is tightly specified, declarative and represents an out-take from an on-going interior monologue. Can anything be made of this?

August 23, 2023

What does a woman want?

"I was a hopeless romantic... I wanted passion...companionship...deep discussions and lots of compliments delivered to me regularly without any misgivings or posturing." Amy Sohn


Do these desires make a woman a hopeless romantic? What woman wouldn't be happy to have this definition of romance characterize her love life?


Alas, while achieving a steady state of romance is always a possibility, it is never a birthright. Let the games begin.
