
October 18, 2023

What is literary fiction?

According to Dan Sinykin, the answer is fiction that privileges art over entertainment. [ The Nation 10/10/23 ]


Sinykin, a professor of literature at Emory University, opines that literary fiction "might have a meaningful category in publishing and bookselling." Hope not.


Perhaps the fate of my debut novel, "A Perfect Woman", currently in manuscript form, will be a test case for his opinion, although, while literary in intent, it's also entertaining. Who gets to draw this line?

October 11, 2023

Two Slaves?

"Marriage: A state or condition of community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two." Ambrose Bierce


We thank him for his service and regret that he vanished into Mexico without a trace, denying the world an opportunity for follow-up questions.


The above definition seems to inject a strong dose of negativity into a timeless activity ... yet the dose also encapsulates a healthy germ of positivity. It's all in how you look at it.

October 4, 2023

Marriage Plot?

Now comes Rebecca Traister, writer-at-large for New York Magazine, addressing a suitably large topic in "The Return of the Marriage Plot" (9/22/23).


One is gobsmacked by the photo that illustrates this marriage advisory. Oh, to be a spider on the wall during the discussion that ended in the selection of that image.


One wonders if the fated couple in "The Jewish Bride" would have been a better post-postmodern editorial choice. Meanwhile, watch out young lovers, don't become victims of a plot.

September 27, 2023

A truth? Universally acknowledged?

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Jane Austen


It is one of the most famous first lines in world literature. But can it survive scrutiny under the lenses of philosophy, psychology, semantics or statistical probability?


Not really...however, as a specimen of wry humor, as an inspired example of stage setting, it has few equals.

September 20, 2023

How well do men create female characters?

"I am accustoming myself to the idea of regarding every sexual act as a process in which four persons are involved. We shall have a lot to discuss about that." Sigmund Freud


The above quotation is an epigraph for a novel written by a man and named after its leading female character. [ Justine ]


Could Freud be wrong? Might every sexual act be a process in which eight persons are involved?
